13th European Conference on eGovernment – ECEG 2013 1 | Page 18

alignment of IT investments with government strategic priorities . MSc in Technology Management and BSc in Business Administration .
Jonas Hedman is an Associate Professor at the Department of IT Management , Copenhagen Business School , Denmark . His research covers topics such as greening processes , business model evolution , payment , payment eco‐system , and business benefits of IT . He is currently working with Copenhagen Finance IT Region to create a cashless society .
Stefan Henningsson Associate Professor , Copenhagen Business School , Department of IT Management . Researches managerial aspects of IT in contexts including corporate mergers and acquisitions , global IT infrastructures and international trade processes . Previously published 70 + peer‐refereed papers published in journals such as Information Systems Journal , Journal of Strategic Information Systems , Communications of the Association for Information Systems and Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive .
Paul Jackson is Senior Lecturer in Information Management at Oxford Brooks University . He previously worked for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy , delivering e‐Government training and consultancy for a range of public bodies . He has been a lecturer at Brunel University and has a PhD from Cambridge University .
Kamalia Azma Kamaruddin finished her Masters of Science in Information Technology at Universiti Teknologi MARA , Shah Alam , Malaysia , in 2006 . Later , she joined the university as a lecturer in Information Systems Department . She is currently a PhD student at Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences , UiTM . Her research focus is on transformational government .
Asanee Kawtrakul is currently the Associate Professor of Department of Computer Engineering , Kasetsart University and Deputy Executive Director of National Electronics and Computer Technology Center ( NECTEC ), Thailand . Her specific research interests are Knowledge Engineering and Language Engineering . Now she has also responsible for many project initiatives related to service innovation in Health Care , e‐Government and Agriculture area .
Mehmet Sinan Kılıc is R & D and Software Development Manager , in Universal Information Technologies . Graduated from Istanbul University Business Administration Department . Strated his carrier in Universal Information Teknologies as Project Leader in 2001 . He obtained his PMP certificate in 2011 . He is is specialized on ERP solutions and software applications for local governments .
Rembrandt Klopper interdisciplinary scholar publishing results of research focusing on aspects of research methodology , informatics , communication science and cognitive science . In cognitive science has written several papers on central role of metaphor in human thinking . Supervises masters and doctoral students at several South African universities and is special issues editor of South African interdisciplinary scholarly journal , Alternation .
Luc Lagrandeur is Professor of Marketing at Laurentian University teaching courses in marketing and consulting . Luc has 10 years of practical marketing experience for one of Canada ’ s largest information technology outsourcing company . His research interests are on the impact of government e‐services on the organization and the relationship / interaction with citizens .
Sam Lubbe is an associate professor at UNISA in the School of Computing . He has a PhD from Wits and he teaches SISP , SCM and other IS courses . He has published many articles , attended and delivered many conference papers as well as three books . He is also supervising many postgraduate students .
Carolina Martín‐Vázquez obtained her BSc degree in Psychology from the University of La Laguna in 2006 . She has six years of experience working on projects for social participation and appreciative inquiry . She is collaborating on the European Project “ Puzzled by Policy ” focused on online citizens debate . Her interests include appreciative inquiry , social participation and e‐participation .
Michele Martoni is a Contract Professor in ITLaw at University of Bologna . She has a Ph . D . in ITLaw and Legal Informatics at University of Bologna . Professor in the Master of Law and New Technology ( University of Bologna ), of the Erasmus Mundus Ph . d . Program Law , Science and Technology at ItLaw Master ( University of Bologna ) and at the Master on eHealth ( University of Bologna ). Member of the Italian Association of Legal Informatics , of Italian Telemedicine Society and of the Cloud Security Alliance Italy Chapter
Ronald Meijer graduated in science of public administration . He worked in universities , doing policy research ( Amsterdam , Leiden ). He is engaged in research at the Research and Documentation Centre ( WODC ) of the Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands . His interest is focused on information management , data archiving , open data , and privacy in the domain of Justice . xiv