01 — Finding Happiness
True or False About Me R 1 2
( For the group to get to know you ) This activity will require you to come up with some true and false statements about yourself in advance . Start by introducing yourself and then proceed to tell them a few facts about yourself — a few that are true and one that is false . Ask the group to decide which is false .
Example based on one of the authors of 10:10 — the leader would say the following : |
1 . |
I once starred in a TV programme . |
2 . |
Before the age of six I had broken my leg , arm and nose in three different accidents . |
3 . |
I can speak three languages . |
4 . |
I like sprouts more than chocolate . |
( number 3 and 4 are false ) |
My Life Pictures R 1 2
( For the group to get to know you ) This activity will require you to create a montage of pictures on a PowerPoint that you can use to introduce yourself . It could be a picture of the place you live , your family , favourite food , sports team , things you love or hate , something from your bucket list .
Optional Ice-breaker
5 – 10 min
Section Aim
To create a relaxed environment , to have fun , and to help the children begin to feel comfortable in the group , and with the leaders . To support the children to feel comfortable in expressing their voice in the group , and to learn to trust the facilitators and each other .
Pick an ice-breaker that will suit your group , room size etc . Below are some ideas , plus a link to an icebreaker ideas website if you are looking for other suggestions .
Pass the Ball R 1 2
Using a soft ball , sit the group in circle and starting with yourself tell the group your name and where you live ( or favourite food , tv programme etc ) and then roll the ball to someone in the group . When that person receives the ball it is their turn to say their name and where they live . They then roll the ball to someone who hasn ’ t had the ball yet to do the same and so on . You will need to explain how to do it and if it helps you could move around the outside of the group and point to people to who haven ’ t yet had the ball .