10:10 for Children — Theme 1 | Page 10

01 — Finding Happiness
Alternatively , if you know your group you could hold the ball , introduce yourself , and then call out the name of different people in the group . Whoever has the ball has to roll the ball to the person you name . You could start slowly and then start calling names faster and faster .
Line-up Game 1 2
You can do this either as a whole group or by splitting the group into teams of between 5 – 10 people . Announce to everyone that you will shortly say , “ everyone , please line up ...” at the beginning of each round and they will have to sort themselves into whatever order you have called .
For example : “ Everyone please line up ”
• from youngest to oldest
• from shortest to tallest
• from smallest shoe size to largest
• in alphabetical order by your name ( specify whether first name or last name )
• In order of how many brothers and sisters you have ( from least to most )
This game requires participants to talk with one another to sort their place in line . You could time the whole group to see how fast they do it , or run it as a competition between groups .
Other ideas : www . icebreakers . ws

Ground Rules

5 – 10 min
Section Aim
To set boundaries and rules for the group so everyone feels safe and is able to enjoy and participate in 10:10 .
If you already have group rules in place this would be a good opportunity to revisit them and remind the group of what they are . If you don ’ t have any group rules you can use the suggested list on the 10:10 slides that are appropriate to your age group , or work with your group to choose your own . If you use the list below you could give the group the choice to add or remove any . The rules can be shared out loud , written out on a flip chart , or shown on the screen using the PowerPoint .