01 — Finding Happiness
5 – 10 min
Section Aim
To welcome everyone to 10:10 , to allow the children to feel comfortable in the group , and with the leaders . For you , the facilitator , to introduce yourself , along with your helpers , and for the children to introduce themselves .
Depending on the location , time constraints , group size , and whether the children are known to you or not , introduce yourself and take time to break the ice in whatever style suits the group .
Play some happy music as the children come in to help set an atmosphere . When the children are in and settled , introduce yourself and any helpers . Then replay the song and get a stomp going to the song . If you don ’ t know the participants , you may want to ask the children to tell you their names . It may help you to give each child a sticker and ask them ( or an adult ) to write their name and put it on .
Below are some ideas , that only take a few minutes each , for your participants to get to know you and for you to get to know them .
Hot Seat R 1 2
( For you to get to know the small group and each other ) Play a short version of hot seat with a leader where the group can ask any question they wish . We suggest you ‘ plant ’ questions such as ‘ what is your most embarrassing moment ?’ You could even ask a child to volunteer to sit on the hot seat and ask them a question i . e . if you could eat one type of food everyday what would it be ?
Which one is it ? 1 2
( For you to get to know the small group and each other ) Ask each member of the group to intro duce themselves . 1 . You could ask them to tell you one thing about themselves ( true or false ) and you as the leader have to guess which it is . 2 . Ask them a question like “ If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be ?” 3 . Ask them to draw , in 30 seconds , one picture that they could use to describe something about them .
Then go around the group with each person saying their name and answering the question or describing the picture in turn .