01 — Finding Happiness
5 min
Section Aim
For the children to think about what ideas they might like to try and practice .
The key element of this section is that children can go home with some ideas they could try for themselves . You may want to start this section by asking older children what ideas they might have to put happiness into practice this week , before sharing some ideas with them . Here are some ways you could help the children to do this . Note particularly that this is not to be seen as homework , it is a list of suggested experiments that the children might like to try for themselves . Talk through the ideas making sure that the children understand what each experiment does .
« script »
We have learnt today that finding happiness is good for us . As part of 10:10 we want to give you the opportunity to go home and try out some of these ideas we have learnt about .
Questions 2
Does anyone have any ideas of their own about how we could practice happiness this week ?
Take Home sticker R
Give every child a Sticker with an experiment to go home and try .
Live Life to the Max sheet 1 2
Hand out Live Life to the Max sheets to everyone who would like one . There is space for them to doodle , ideas they can go away and try , and a little reminder of what we have been covering . This is good for them and will help their parents / carers to know a little more about what they have been learning .
Live Life to the Max postcard 1 2
Hand out Live Life to the Max postcards which will have a little reminder of what we have been covering and some ideas that they can go away try .
Instructions 1 2
Use the PowerPoint slide to show some ideas or share some from the list that they could go and try in the week .