01 — Finding Happiness
PowerPoint is in presentation mode . The numbers on the slide correspond to the questions as numbered in the Leader ’ s Guide below .
From the list below : If you are not able to use the cards or PowerPoint you can ask someone to pick a number from 1 – 16 and then read out the relevant question from the list below .
Show on screen — slide no . 29
Questions :
1 . What things stop us being happy ? 2 . Is it ok if what makes you happy makes someone else sad ? 3 . Finish the sentence , “ I am most happy when ...” 4 . Have you ever tried something that you thought would make you happy that didn ’ t ? 5 . Do you think money and things can buy you happiness ? Why or why not ? 6 . What would be your top tip for being happy ? 7 . Are some things that make us happy not good for us ? 8 . Why do you think some things only make us happy for a little while ? 9 . Do you think that the hard things that happen to us , help us at all ? 10 . Is what you want and what you need always the same thing ? 11 . Why are some people happy and others not ? 12 . Is it okay to ask for help ? 13 . Does advertising make you want to have stuff to be happy ? 14 . Why should we bother trying to be happy ? 15 . Do you think it is good to compare our lives with others ? 16 . Do you prefer happy or sad songs ?