1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian When will you show you care? | Page 8

In the story of “The Prodigal Son” we see this robe being defined as the “best” robe. By the father giving to his son this type of robe, he was giving to him something that was not just there to clothe his nakedness, but at the same time it would have elevated his value as a human being. The son I am sure would have been happy with the robe of a slave, but the father elevated him to his rightful value, that of a son. When we clothe the naked we do the same thing. We are saying to them that they are of value to God. So many people who have found themselves in destitute positions, for whatever reason, develop a mind-set that they have no value to anybody as their self-esteem has become so detrimentally affected. The giving of the best robe would have secondly restored this man’s dignity and given him back that which, for whatever reason, he had lost. Herein lies our lesson for today; when we treat people who may have gone through hard times whether it be as a result of something that may be their own fault, treating them with dignity is always seen to be the Jesus model. I believe implicitly that you can measure the greatness of a human being by how they treat the “little people” (these are people who add no value to your life and are sometimes the people who have been rejected by others in your social strata). How you treat these “little people” is something that God takes notice of and in His eyes is deemed to be vitally important. Prayer Thought:As you live your life today won’t you be mindful of the “little people” that you meet, and let’s treat them with the dignity that they deserve, remembering that God values all people equally. Saturday 2 Samuel 9 v 1 – 11 Today as we personalise this command of God to “Clothe the Naked” might I suggest to you that the greatest reason that you need to do this (clothe the naked) is that IT’S GOOD FOR YOU! The reason that you need to give is not because God needs your stuff, or even because somebody else needs your stuff, but the reason you need to give is because YOUneed to give! If there is a cure for materialism, greed, selfishness, and immaturity, then generosity would be it. When we give generously as a result of mercy, something