1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian When will you show you care? | Page 9

happens in our own spirit, where we just know that we have done the right thing. It is true what Jesus said, in Acts 20 v 35, that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Some of the most fulfilled and joyful people that I have ever met are those who are most generous. They hold lightly to their earthly possessions and understand completely the joy of giving. I am sure that there are many in our congregation who could testify to this truth. When we begin to live the principle, that suggests that people are more important than our possessions, there is an accompanying freedom of spirit that comes with it. After all, the knowledge that God is ultimately our provider is the foundation of great joy and satisfaction in life. One of the greatest Biblical parallels that you will find is in the story of David restoring Mephibosheth to his royal position. This story illustrates the principle which we spoke of the other day that tells us that mercy comes as a result of acknowledged grace. David, here, is a perfect picture of somebody who acknowledged that God’s grace had been given to him so bountifully and, upon the acknowledgement of the source of this grace, his immediate response was to find someone to whom he could show mercy. The mercy that he poured out upon Mephibosheth was extravagant and generous beyond words and I am sure Mephibosheth was blown away by this compassionate act. I cannot help but believe that the greatest beneficiary to this act of mercy was not so much Mephibosheth, but David. This sacrificial act and display of mercy was one that would have kept David humble and yet at the same time, so secure in himself. He knew that his source of security was not found in his possessions and his wealth, but was found in his relationship with Jehovah, his God. I pray today that each of us would understand and experience the reality tha Ё