1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Justice - A People For Others | Page 9
on earth in a constant tumult… But oh! what rest is there inthat world which the God
of peace and love fills with his own gracious presence,and in which the Lamb of God
lives and reigns, filling it with the brightest andsweetest beams of his love; where
there is nothing to disturb or offend, and nobeing or object to be seen that is not
surrounded with perfect amiableness andsweetness…where there is no enemy and
no enmity; but perfect love in everyheart and to every being; where there is perfect
harmony among all the inhabitants,no one envying another, but everyone rejoicing in
the happiness of every other…where love is always mutual and reciprocated to the
full; where there is no hypocrisyor dissembling, but perfect simplicity and sincerity;
where there is no treachery,or unfaithfulness, or inconstancy, or jealousy in any
form…where there is nodivision through different opinions or interests, but where all
in that glorious andloving society shall be most nearly and divinely related, and each
shall belong toevery other, and all shall enjoy each other in perfect prosperity and
riches, andhonour, without any sickness, or grief, or persecution, or sorrow, or any
enemy tomolest them, or any busybody to create jealousy or misunderstanding, or
mar theperfect, and holy, and blessed peace that reigns in heaven!’
Challenge Point: Following these three extracts, answer the below questions:
- What are the differences and similarities between the three descriptions of the world to
- What specific phrases or concepts were striki