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Friday Revelation 21 – 22 Read the below extracts from John Calvin, Martin Luther, and Jonathan Edwards. Calvin writes, in his Institutes of the Christian Religion: ‘Christ, the Sun of Righteousness [Malachi 4 v 2], shining through the gospel and having overcome death, has, as Paul testifies, brought us the light of life [2 Timothy 1 v 10]. Hence we likewise by believing “pass out of death into life” [John 5 v 24], being “no more strangers and sojourners, but fellow citizens of the saints and of the household of God” [Ephesians 2 v 19], who “made us sit” with his only-begotten Son “in heavenly places” [Ephesians 2 v 6], that we may lack nothing for full happiness… Paul says in another passage that “we have died, and our life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, appears, then we also will appear with him in glory” [Colossians 3 v 3 – 4]… Let us always have in mind theeternal happiness, the goal of resurrection—a happiness of whose excellence theminutest part would scarce be told if all were said that the tongues of all mencan say. For though we very truly hear that the Kingdom of God will be filled withsplendour, joy, happiness, and glory, yet when these things are spoken of, theyremain utterly remote from our perception, and, as it were, wrapped in obscurities,until that day comes when he will reveal to us his glory, that we may behold it face to face [cf. 1 Corinthians 13 v 12].’ In The Table Talk of Martin Luther, Luther writes: ‘“God will create a new heaven and a new earth, wherein righteousness shall dwell.” It will be no arid waste, but a beautiful new earth, where all the just will dwelltogether. There will be no carnivorous beasts, or venomous creatures, for all such,like ourselves, will be relieved from the curse of sin… The foliage of the trees, andthe verdure of the grass, will have the brilliancy of emeralds; and we ourselvesdelivered from our mundane subjection to gross appetites and necessities, shallhave the same form as here, but infinitely more perfect. Our eyes will be radiant asthe purest silver, and we shall be exempt from all sickness and tribulation. We shallbehold the glorious Creator face to face.’ In his sermon Heaven, a World of Love, Edwards said: ‘The most stately cities on earth, however magnificent their buildings, yet havetheir foundations in the dust, and their streets dirty and defiled, and made to betrodden under foot; but the very streets of this heavenly city are of pure gold, likeunto transparent glass, and its foundations are of precious stones, and its gatesare pearls… There are many principles contrary to love, that make this world like a tempestuous sea. Selfishness, and envy, and revenge, and jealousy, and kindredpassions keep life