1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Justice - A People For Others | Page 10
Think about asking a close friend or life group leader to reflect on your answersto see if
they agree, or if they have anything to add.
Get a notebook or journal and answer the questions below.
Gospel and the Heart
1. Do you know God, rely on God, seek God, and praise God genuinely?
What practical steps can you take to make this more the case?
2. What does Christ mean in your life on a daily basis? In what areas of your life is Christ
having a significant impact? In what areas should he be having greater impact?
3. Are you confident that you are righteous in God’s sight? What things tend to make you
forget this, or to question this? What things do you rely on other than Christ? What steps
can you take to change?
4. What idols are you struggling with? How are you dealing with pride, fear of man,
attachment to money, sexual lust, preoccupation with your own performance, and the
5. Do you admit your limits, mistakes, sins, and weaknesses to God, others, yourself?
To God:
Frequently Always
Frequently Always
To yourself: Never
Frequently Always
To others:
6. How have you changed over the past year?
- Are you a more loving person than you were last year?
- Are you a more joyful person than you were last year? Do you give
- Are you a more peaceful person? Do you worry less?
- Are you more patient? With people?With circumstances?
- Are you a kinder person?
- Can you take criticism better?
- Are you bolder, more courageous, and more confident in following
- Are you a less angry, more gentle person?
- Are you a more self-controlled person? In what areas? Where do you
still needto change?
Gospel and Community