1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Gifts of the Spirit, The final say | Page 6

“spectator” attitude will lead to a powerless and very grey spiritual experience. It seems that the longer people sit on the side lines, the more difficult it becomes to get them onto the field. I know that there are some who feel that spiritual maturity is for those who have been in the faith for a long time, but the Bible will teach us that the opposite is in fact true. For those who have recently come to Christ, and the fires of passion burn brightly, God applauds, but sadly there are some who are old in the faith who have become cynical and spiritually conceited, God is not particularly complimentary of them. Moses’ burning bush experience could be a turning point in our lives if we will just see the truth that God has a purpose for us still to perform. This purpose should motivate and excite us to break the bonds of boredom and to move into an enthusiastic and passionate mind-set to get on the field and play the game of life. There is a beautiful saying that is often quoted, but I believe that at this point, it would be worth quoting again: “Only one life „twill soon be passed, and only what?s done for Christ will last.” If we really believe this statement, this could be our burning bush experience. There is nothing more beautiful than a life filled with passion for God, where our gifts, no matter how big or small they seem to be, are used with great enthusiasm and commitment to bring glory to God, simply because He has given them to us. I trust that as you read these words that the bush would burn bright and maybe do for you what it did for Moses. Prayer Thought: As you pray today, won’t you pray with Moses’ experience in mind. Pray that God would fulfil His purpose in your life in a way that may shock you, but will certainly relieve the boredom of your own spiritual complacency. Wednesday 1 Kings 19 v 1 – 18 The next motivation that I would like to present to you is the motivation that will help you to get back in the game after you have BEEN HURT BY OTHERS IN THE CHURCH.