1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Gifts of the Spirit, The final say | Page 5

better than anyone else, but they have been blessed financially in order for them to be a blessing. An eternal mind-set seems to do something to straighten out our earthly one, but the motive for living on this earth, living passionately for the cause of the Kingdom in order to receive the commendation of Christ “Well done, good and faithful servant!” and then to reap the reward of a life well lived, is aperfectly legitimate reason to use the gifts that God has given to you for the blessing of His body, the church. Prayer Thought: Won’t you take an introspective moment to contemplate your life in the light of eternity. Maybe ask God to show you if there are areas in your life that need to be readjusted and realigned to an eternal view of what this life is all about. Tuesday Exodus 3 v 1 – 15 The second motivation for us to get out of our chairs,which have been comfortable for far too long, is the motivation to DEAL WITH OUR SPIRITUAL BOREDOM. The story in Exodus 3, which you have just read, is a beautiful picture of what I am trying to say. Moses had spent 40 years, walking in a dry and dusty desert. His experience at the burning bush was one that got him back on the field, ready to continue to play the game that God had set before him. Moses had written himself off and had, in fact, become quite comfortable in his complacent state, but God had to show him that He had other plans. When God first presented his plan for Moses, Moses’ response was not particularly positive. You see he had become used to living a life of defeat and to move him now into a place of renewed passion for the Kingdom of God, took from God an extreme supernatural act, i.e. the burning bush. I do not want to sound judgemental, but I wonder today as I take a broad, long lookat the churches, if a “burning bush” experience wouldn’t do individuals in the church a lot of good. Too many people have become bored in church, simply because they have become spectators. There is no room in the work of the Kingdom for such people. They have become complacent in their spiritual lives, thinking that others can do the work of the body and they can coast and live off the blessing of somebody else’s sacrifice. This is indeed a tragic scenario in many churches whereby the