1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Gifts of the Spirit, The final say | Page 4

Monday Matthew 6 v 19 – 21 Matthew 25 v 14 – 30 The first motivation that I would like to present to you is the motivation of REWARD. Both of these passages above speak clearly of a treasure and a reward that God will give to those who serve Him with a whole heart. Jesus warns us about storing up treasure here on earth, where rust and thieves can destroy, but encourages us to rather store up treasure in Heaven. Many people would see this motive for serving God to be a little self-centred, but in fact it is not. It is a perfectly legitimate reason to want to use our spiritual gifts inthe context of the church,so that one day we can reap a reward that will be of benefit to us for eternity. I love the words of that song that says, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose”. Unfortunately the worldly mind-set of the majority of people suggests that the things of this earth are of more value than the things of eternity. In the age of the “feel-good” gospel we have watered down the teachings of Jesus to suggest that there is no cost to following Christ. They would suggest further that to become a Christian will be good for your bank account, and that God has promised to not just make you wealthy, but healthy as well. These are the people who measure God’s blessing by His physical provision. I hate to burst their bubble, but would remind them of the conversation that Jesus had with the rich young ruler (Matthew 19), where he told the young man to sell all he had and to come and follow Him. Let me reiterate, however, that God has nothing against people being wealthy, but He does have a problem with people whose wealth becomes more important to them than Him and His Kingdom. Having been a pastor for a number of years now, I have seen people come to faith and, from the outside, seem to be so deeply committed. But very sadly, many of them have fallen from following Christ and are now just as they used to be. One of the greatest pulls back to the old life is the pull of the world. Where the desire for wealth and physical comfort has distracted them from the call of God and has corrupted their spiritual value system. If we could just develop an eternal mind-set when it comes to physical wealth, what a difference ????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((0