1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Gifts of the Spirit, The final say | Page 3
The obvious answer for me right now, is that people in the church are not
using the gifts that God has given them and therefore, we remain a
“dysfunctional body”.
The next question for me as a pastor is to ask you, what is it that would
motivate you to use your gifts? Because over the last few weeks you
have gained some basic knowledge of these gifts, but now something has
to spark within you to motivate you to put your gifts to use. There are a
number of possible motivations and I will share them with you one day at a
time over the course of the next seven days.
God bless you in this as we journey together, and my prayer is that you
too, like the people in Nehemiah’s story, will be motivated to do what you
need to do.
Trevor and Helene