1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Feed My Sheep | Page 4
whatever reason the problem that faces us. Ask him too for the courage that you will
need to address and respond to this change of mind and heart.
Genesis 3 v 17 – 19
Today I would like to focus on the THEOLOGY behind the church’s role in feeding
the hungry.
I do believe that the church needs a more intentional theology, because from the
outside, their understanding of their role ranges from a nebulas, indifferent attitude
where we renege on our responsibility by believing that it’s not our problem, right
through to churches in impoverished countries where congregational members care
for one another with extreme compassion and whatever they have is shared
between them. Somewhere between these two truths we find ourselves. I do believe
that if we are going to err, let us err toward the second scenario because this is the
modelthat I believe Jesus would promote amongst us.
At the beginning of time, hunger was not meant to be, but as a result of the
consequence of sin and the fall of man, everything changed. God declared to Adam
and Eve that they would continue to eat, but it would come through work where, by
the sweat of our brow, we would earn our food. Scripture goes on to say,in 2
Thessalonians 3 v 10, that if a man does