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Proverbs 22 v 9 – “A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food
with the poor.”
The experience of being hungry is one that probably not many of us can identify
with. For us our hunger is solved by a quick trip to our refrigerator and within
seconds we are satisfied. But there are so many others around the world who are
unable to identify with our privileged living. Some of us will even go on diets in
order to eat less because, in the world in which we live, we eat so much. But if you
have ever experienced the pangs of deep hunger you will know how fearful it can
be. The desire for food becomes all-consuming and the feelings of intense
despondency can lead to the most uncharacteristic behaviour. If you turn on the TV
and see people undertaking feeding programs amongst starving people around the
world you will see what I am talking about. People storm buildings and food
stations, tramp on one another, not caring too much about their own dignity, but
just totally consumed with the desire for food.
I once met a man who spent three years in a concentration camp during the Second
World War; he spoke of the feelings of desperation that come to you when you’re
hungry. He spoke of people who fought over a crust of bread and would go to
incredible lengths just to be fed. He also, however, spoke of the heroes who would
give up their food to those who were weaker than them. It’s this type of “hungry”
which drives us to a desperate state.
Today I would just like to share with you a few facts as it relates to the issue of
hunger. It is a true assessment of world hunger to establish the fact that in today’s
world one eighth of the world live well below the bread line. One third of childhood
deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa are because of hunger. In Africa alone, over 250 000
people die from hunger every day. 12 million South Africans will go to bed hungry
tonight. In the 5 minutes that it will take you to read this devotion, 1000 people will
die of hunger in Africa alone. That is a rate of 200 people per minute. I think on the
basis of these statistics it would be safe to say to you,CHURCH, WE HAVE A
Prayer Thought: Won’t you ask God today to help remove the blinkers that we may
have on our eyes that have caused us to not see the problem around us. Ask him to
forgive you if necessary for burying your head in the sand and not acknowledging for