1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Feed My Sheep | Page 2
Hi Everybody,
Welcome to part 3 of our series in Isaiah 58. We are doing this series under
the title “The True Fast”. I urge you again to read the entire chapter and pick
up on the main theme, i.e. God is not impressed with outer religious activity
and the show that comes from external religious behaviour. But, according to
Isaiah 58, He is impressed with those who guard their lips, fight against
injustice, care for the hungry, clothe the naked, and spend themselves on
behalf of those suffering in a sin-sick world.
This past Sunday we concerned ourselves with God’s command to feed the
hungry. The service for me was an incredibly meaningful one and I applaud all
of those amongst us who participated at such a high level. I know that there
are some amongst us who would say, “What difference do 200 food parcels
make to a world so devastated by hunger?!” but might I remind you that the
food parcel endeavour was possibly not as much about those who we hoped to
feed through it, as it was about you and I developing a heart of compassion for
those facing this predicament. The object lesson of the food parcels was more
for us than it was for them.
This week we focus on verse 7 and verse 10 in Isaiah 58 which read:
“Share your bread with the hungry…”
“Pour yourself out for the hungry…”
This will be the subject of our devotions this week. I trust that it will continue
to challenge you as much as it has me.
I hope that over the course of this week we will develop not just a better
theology on hunger, but that our own hearts might be broken as we
contemplate, from a Christian perspective, our role in addressing this
particular challenge.
God bless you as go through this week
Trevor and Helene