1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Daniels prayer | Page 12

threaten us, things that oppose us and make us feel that we too do not stand a chance? I think today of the lion of worry – we live in troublesome times where things can so easily blow up in our face, whether it is in the political arena, financial, or personal one. Many of us lose a lot of sleep being threatened by this “lions”. The lion of fear – if truth be told, we are a fearful generation. I am not saying that there are not things worth being concerned about, but many of the things that we fear are merely shadows. The lion of temptation – where at every corner and every turn temptation is there to devour us. The lion of despondency – I do not want to be overly simplistic here, but I do believe that these “lions” have met their match amongst people who know God as well as Daniel did, and seek with every ounce of strength within them to live for His glory. A few more “lions” that are out to get you are the lions of lust, greed, negativity, rebellion(and these are just a few). I am sure you could add to this list, but how amazing it is that these things cannot harm us because when wepray as Daniel did God closes the mouths of these “lions” and proves them to be harmless. When God’s glory consumes us and we pray as Daniel did, just watch what God does to the “lions”. Prayer Thought: Won’t you take some time today, before you pray, to name your “lions” and recognise that you need not fear them if you are abiding by the principles of which we have spoken. I trust that as you confess them to God today, that God will minister His grace to you and that you will leave with an incredible sense of reassurance to know that He has power to overcome and to nullify every “lion”.