1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Daniels prayer | Page 13

Sunday Revelation 3 v 14 – 22 I would like to close today by ending where we began – we spoke of taking our own spiritual temperatures. The Bible has for that a Biblical analogy. In our reading today Godspeaks of three possible spiritual temperatures. He speaks of those who are hot, and quite obviously these are the ones whose passionand zeal forGod is noticeable and whose love for Him knows no bounds. He speaks of those who are cold, these are those who are distant from God and are no longer walking closely with Him. And then there are those who find themselves in between, these are those who the passage refers to as lukewarm. It would appear from the passage that God loves the hot, understands the cold, but despises the lukewarm. A great picture of lukewarmness can be found in the Old Testament as pictured in the children of Israel after they left Egypt. Upon miraculously crossing the Red Sea the people were hot; they’d experienced the wonder of God’s goodness and been witness to the evidence of His incredible power. They’d worshipped like they’d never worshipped before, but how sad to find that after four days in the wilderness their passion for God had already dwindled to that of being lukewarm. Over the course of the next forty years most of the people fluctuated between being lukewarm and cold, despite the fact that God continually demonstrated His Grace and His Power, they remained, in the main, unchanged. We at Norwegian Settlers Church are so desirous of being a church that God would be proud of and, in order for this to be a reality, we will need to take seriously the words spoken to the church of Laodicea and, with repentance on our lips, acknowledge our lukewarmness before God. I know that God, because He is gracious and kind, would be delighted to restore our spiritual flame and His Holy Spirit within us will rekindle the fire that for many has grown cold. My prayer for our church is that this will not just be our personal experience, but will be our corporate one as well. Can you imagine the impact that a church which falls