1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian 7 - Blessed are the pure in heart | Page 10
The Bible is full of incredible examples of this. Moses, whilst he was still in Egypt
living as a son of Pharaoh, had his heart broken over the ill-treatment of an Israelite
slave. Out of this brokenness Moses acted. Jesus, himself, would be the ultimate
example of a heart-broken God who, seeing the dilemma of mankind, acted with
incredible passion and compassion to alleviate the suffering and eternal destiny of
mankind. The life of Jesus happened as a result of this broken-heartedness of God,
Himself. The question that now remains is simply: what breaks your heart?
Prayer Thought: By way of a prayer application today, won’t you consider that final
question to you (what is it that breaks your heart?) and pray in and around your
answer today.
Reading: Exodus 33
So far in our contemplation of Matthew 5 v 8, we have looked at the word “pure”
and the word “heart”. Today I would like to contemplate the word SEE. The passage
we are considering says that the pure in heart will SEE God.
I believe that there is something inside every believer that cries out to see God. We
have heard the sermons, read the books, sung the songs, but these do not suffice;
for those who really desire after God there is only one thing that will satisfy and that
is that we will see Him face-to-face.
In Exodus 33 we see Moses portraying this heart-felt desire. When after all that he
had been through, pleading the cause of the children of Israel, and God promising
him His blessing, Moses, not satisfied with just the blessing of God, says in verse 18,
“Now Lord, show me your glory.” This should, I believe, be the heart’s cry of every
1 Corinthians 13 v 12 says, “That we see God as through a glass darkly, but then we
shall see him face to face.” This simply means that whilst we are here on earth, the
best we will get of a vision of God Himself is as if it were a shadow, but then one day
we will see Him in all His glory face-to-face.
I know that in various ways I have said this to you before, but I do believe it to be
true, that if we could live this life in the light of this enormous event (of seeing Him