(01-Brooke) (01e) IMG_1022.jpg.pdf August/September | Page 8

Let's face it... MANY women will say "I don't lift weights because I don't want to get bulky!" So women will supplement their exercise with more and more cardio... Which leads to the "skinny fat" or the plateau effect. To me as a fitness professional and men, there is nothing sexier than a FIT & healthy looking woman and that inludes muscle.

1) YOU WILL NOT GET BULKY! The only thing that will make you bulky is your diet. Unless you are training to be a body builder or a power lifter- yes, the bulk will come with the weight lifting. But not the average woman. The bulk will also come when you do not eat right.. and that's in fat! No matter what exercise you do.

2) Building muscle will help you with everyday function. In addition, will help your endurance (power and strength), strengthen bones, and burn MORE fat.

Cardio, is amazing for heart health and cardio-respiratory endurance... but when you see "Sweat, is fat crying?" I say not as much as you feel your muscles burning! The exercises you do NOT want to do are the ones you need the most and THAT'S why we put them in House Party Fitness® and THAT'S why I always encourage getting into the gym and lifting additional weights when you can at the gym! Love your abs, arms, an glutes!

Here are 2 exercise I love to get the burn in class for the abs, arms, and butt. You can do these at home, gym, or your instructor may add these in class! (HIIT Hop™ participants love/hate this).

Arms (biceps brachii), quads, abductors, glutes:

The Low Squat Bicep Curl (from ACE Fitness Research & Studies) . Pictured above. Click HERE to see the safe steps. The exercise is pitured above. Like in ANY squat, be sure the weight is in your heels to eliminate any knee injury. And do not cheat : NO HUNCHING OVER!

Love your abs, arms, and Butt!

Brooke's pick



abs, arms, &
