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I am Eliasib Jiménez a student of the bachelor of Business in Tourism and Hospitality Management at Unicolombo.

About my academic experiences, I can tell that I am so happy because I have learned many things during my studies at university.

Currently I am in the last semester of my professional career and I can not wait to receive my diploma.

I have highly prepared and demanding professors that motivates me to be better every day. 

I like to talk with foreign people to learn more about English language. I also like to listen to music in English and I speak a little French. I also choose a day of the week to share with my friends and rest.

 I would like to start my own business, maybe a hotel or a travel agency and be able to provide employment for those who are studying tourism.

I would like to work hard on an innovating business plan that let me become an excellent entrepreneur, according to the new trends in tourism and travel industry.

Finally, I also would like to travel and gain international experience and be able to exchange cultures with other people.

By Eliasib Jiménez

"I would like to have my own tourism business": Eliasib Jimenez

Academic Trek