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My name is María José Garcés Pájaro, I am 20 years old, I live with my parents and I am a responsible person. I consider that I have a lucky life because my Mom could give me many things, and I am happy for this.

I study tourism at Unicolombo, I am in fifth semester and I am going to start the internships.

During my studies, I have met new friends but regarding English, at the begining it was a bit difficult for me, because I hardly understood it, but then, I was able to achieve my academic goals.

I like cooking, specially when I am with friends; reading is something that I did not use to do when I was a child, but now I am doing it more. Nowadays, I can spend hours reading.

I would like to travel around the world and meet many places,  culture, and food.  I  also would like to  live  in another country, maybe Canada or Italy.

Besides becoming a professional,  I dream of getting  my  own  house  and  my own business.

María José Garcés: "I have a lucky life!"

By María José Garcés

Academic Trek