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I called out to him. I heard nothing but deep rumbling in the Earth beneath my feet. “Jacob?!” I still hear no sign of my husband.

It’s now eight-fifteen o’clock in the morning and I am frantically looking for my husband. I can not lose him too. The sky is growing darker as the minutes pass and the shaking is growing stronger; yet there is still no sign of him. I hear other campers on the opposite from the mountain, freaking out, but I am not going to leave without the love of my life; I refuse to lose another person.

“Jacob?! Please answer!” I shouted. I still heard nothing. Until I heard “Isabel, I am coming! Can you hear me?” I finally saw him as he turned a corner through the woodland. The elation I felt when I saw him was indescribable. This was until I saw what was pursuing him. “Run!” he shouted. I then saw the enormous pyroclastic flow of lava, mud, trees, debri, and more approaching so quickly I knew we both could have never made it. With tears streaming down my flushed cheeks, I turned and ran as fast as I could back to our cabin. The cold breeze blowing on my already teary-eyes made the tears rush down my face even faster. Once I reached the cabin, I waited on the deck for him, wishing we could be together for this horrid moment. As he was approaching, so was the magma. He reached out, grabbed my hand and said I love you and before I even had a chance to say that sacred phrase back he was gone.


By Spencer M.

“Come here.” Luke shouted, the sound of the flames competing against his voice. The place Luke was calling Sage to go to was a portal to Hell.

Sage gulped and came up to the hole, her stomach twisting and turning. Luke was Sage’s long term boyfriend, though, and she trusted him, even if he was part demon. Since he was part demon, he reasoned that their miscarried baby would be in hell, and that it would be good for her to see him. Sage believed this, and desperately wanted to hold him. On top of that, it couldn’t hurt to support his coronation. Still, sometimes she worried that he had other intentions.

“Now jump in. 3..2…1…”

Before he could say ‘go’ Sage closed her eyes and threw herself forward. The ground had only seemed to be 10 feet from the entrance, but after about half a minute of quickly tumbling down she opened her eyes. She was