Digital publication | Page 9


surrounded by flames so bright that she would have normally been blinded by them, and winds blew her hair around at rapid speeds. She curled into a fetal position and began to scream and scream and scream, but she couldn’t be heard over the crackling of the flames. Her heart felt like it was going to pound itself out of her chest. It pounded so hard it shook her body. She thought that it would pound itself to a stop.

The fire seemed to finally echo her screams back at her, and her hands flew up to her ears. She couldn’t keep this up for long though, as the force of the winds won against her body strength and pinned her arms to her side. She didn’t realize this at the time, but her nails had dug into the skin behind her ears so hard that they were now bleeding, and some of the droplets had flown back at her face. After ten minutes of toppling she began to cry. What if this was her eternal punishment for trusting Luke? She came to the conclusion that she deserved it, and not just for trusting him. Suddenly she hit something, and she was sure the force of it would leave a bruise.

“Gotchya.” Luke smiled at her like she had jumped from a counter to his arms. She recoiled off of him, taking in the place with wild eyes.

“Where am I?” She put the back of her hand to her head. It was incredibly hot where she was and yet her skin still felt cool. She felt something triggle down her neck, and when she pulled her finger away from it she saw that it was blood. What had gotten in to her for her to agree to this? Maybe her mother was right. She hadn’t had the brain to be a mother, anyways.

“Hell.” Luke’s smile started to fade. “What’s wrong?”

She felt sick even thinking about what had happened. Her hand flew to her stomach, which was now beginning to convulse. She couldn’t throw up and ruin this event for Luke. He’d want her to go back home. And yet she did release the contents of her stomach. A bucket of red bile poured from her mouth and she doubled over from the force. A hand laid gently on her back, and yet the heat of it brought the screams back to her ears.

“Don’t touch me.” She muttered, and then she heaved again. Nothing came up. She wiped her sweat covered forehead, considering putting a finger up her throat. Anything to make her feel better, although she knew that either way she’d feel disgusting. “I don’t suppose you have any water, do you?” She stood up and a faint smile played on her cracked lips. Luke began to smile too.

“Not here.” He gestured for her to follow him and she did.