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losing my virginity with him. I went over to his home, but was still unsure. I thought I was ready, but deep down I wasn't. I loved this kid, so I was going to do what I thought was right and what I thought I wanted. Afterward, I felt more attached to him, thinking he was the one and I am going to marry this boy.

A few days pass after that incident and I hear nothing from him. I called and messaged him trying to figure out what went wrong because I had no idea, but he never responded. I got a message a few days later asking if we were still together because he was talking to another girl and just wanted to make sure him and I were not together anymore. I was blindsided and I never heard from him or talked to him again after that day. What I thought was my first love, really wasn’t love at all.

I Love You

By Elizabeth Wolfe

My whole life all I have ever known was loss and tragedy. Up until I met Jacob. He turned my world upside down; in an amazing way, of course. We met a few years ago on a hiking trail in Mt. Rainier. In an instant I was in love. We both love the wilderness, to hike, and to live off of the grid. I married that man, on Mount St. Helens at sunset, on May 17, 1980. We plan to build our own remote cabin from scratch, at the base of Mount St. Helens and raise our own family.

It is seven o’clock the next morning, I wake up to a beautifully handwritten note: “I am catching your favorite for breakfast and picking some berries for my beautiful wife, I should be back by nine. Ps. I love you.” I am ecstatic to even see that word wife written. I really am living the dream, am I not? I am still wearing my white satin babydoll with lace accents and my white lace garter with blue pearls from the pleasurable night before. I boiled some water over the fire to brew some fresh coffee for my husband. Wow, it is crazy to think I have a husband. Then, I went outside, on the creaky wooden deck, to enjoy the alluring view of the Toutle River with my steaming hot cup of coffee.

As I was sitting on the decrepit harmonious rocking chair that is probably older than me, the river grew calm, the deck began to shake, and I began to subtly panic. But, there had been hearsay about possible shaking near the mountain so I did not think too strongly about it. That is until I saw smoke begin to grow above the mountain’s peak. Now I am panicking further than before. I went back inside and changed out of my unmentionables into more reasonable clothing for the weather. I put on my Timberland boots and my Patagonia jacket so I may go search for Jacob. Once I reached the river,