순례자의 샘터 Soonsam 2019 Fall | Page 17

Serving Missionary Kids June Yang Over the summer, I had the privilege of joining the Asia team due to this small comfort that she found in having some- to serve at a conference for M’s. During our first missions body to communicate with, but over the next few days, she meeting, Pastor Choi mentioned that we were going “to was able to catch onto a few phrases and she gained cour- serve those who serve.” Throughout the entire trip, I found age to start singing along with the songs by repeating the myself reflecting on this statement over and over again as I sounds she heard, rather than the words. One time, while we learned what it meant to serve those who serve. were playing with one of her classmates, she started saying, “Yummy!” and, “Let’s go.” I asked her if she knew what My main role for the mission trip was to provide transla- they meant but she didn’t know because she was just copy- tion for the children that only spoke in Korean, in hopes ing the other girl. When I told her what they meant, she said, that they would also be able to enjoy the children’s program “Yummy! Let’s go! 맛있는거 먹으러 가자!” Not only did the while their parents attended the conference. Three years ago, girl find encouragement to be more like herself, but I was I had attended the same conference as a volunteer babysit- also encouraged because every morning she would come to ting the 2 year old class. As a result, when I found out that me and say in Korean, “Teacher, I didn’t cry today!” My the girl I would be translating for was 5 years old, I was heart was warmed and encouraged to know that God could especially excited to be able to see and take care of the same use me to serve these children and their families as they con- group of children that I had previously taken care of. It was tinue to do His work away from home. so encouraging, adorable, and warming to see how much the children had grown and to hear talk about their lives overseas as MK’s. My heart continues to go out towards these children because of my own experiences growing up as a MK in Asia. On the first day of meeting the children, the little girl that I was going to be translating for came in with her eyes red from crying. The mother expressed the relief that she felt because the girl had been worrying that the teachers would only be speaking in English. Although at first the girl was shy and did not participate in the activities that required her to know English, such as singing, watching videos, and even playing with her classmates, I was thankful that the girl was able to understand my Korean and felt comfortable speak- ing and playing with me. Every day the girl would hold my hand and had so much she wanted to tell me. Perhaps it was www.fkbc.org 랄리제일한인침례교회 17