7‘UV: continued4
• -->>cont: WM Accepted effect:
• Super high performance officially pre-made enough vol of Hydrogen Peroxide(H 2 O 2 )
feeding for waste water treatment combo with UV system exists since 1990s(ULTROX,
Vulcan - Calgon Carbon Perox-Pure+) which was often shelved by buyouts & other
methods etc, but actually many seem to be capable of further disruptive water+air
based insitu production of low concentration H 2 O 2 with UV combo(Eltron Water
PeroxEgen+): this tech's effectiveness is sometimes WM debunked as "UV cannot
penetrate well even slight turbid water". Shirt pocket carried mini device(SteriPen),
While Sometimes WM Disputed effects are: A(pipe descaling) by production of
H 2 O 2 , Ozone, Hydroxyl(Silver Bullet Water+): this company also claims Singlet
Oxygen production as a cause. Occasionally claimed effect of above temporarily
decomposed water functions as E(Industrial cleaner),
■ Weaker occasionally claimed effects S(Coagulation, toxin separation).
■ Other commercialized eg: (UV Pure, Phonix Science and Technology, LG Innotek
+) 、
WM Fully rejected: Prolonged UV treatment combined with other
processes(pressure, distillation-condensation repetition, temperature, cavitation,
electrolysis) produces electrically active capacity holding or bioenhancing effect
water(Penta AquaRX+):