環境に優しく低コストで有益な, 知られていない水のテクノロジー / Low Cost, Eco Friendly Water Tech.. 環境に優しい低コストで高性能な、知られていない水のテクノロジー/ Low Cost Water.. | Page 29

• 7‘UV: continued3 • -->>:various UV techs: • For AOP Level strength: ■i Hydrogen Peroxide H 2 O 2 co- production and eventual Hydroxyl radical generation seems to be one of key factors for high effectiveness(compared to Ozone only, far stronger effects produced by synergy with other insitu produced reactants) as repeated often in 7'UV & 6'ozone section, including Photo Fenton Reaction(Enviolet+), but also ■ii some irradiate Ozone water with UV for significantly amplified effect(Sen Lights UZON+), ■iii TiO2+UV - Photocatalytic combo, • WM Accepted effect: C(bacteria stifling at pool etc), J(AOP process or/and disinfection): Commercial pool doable with on par or superior effects(DEL Ozone+), Ballast water(Alfa Laval, Hyde Marine, BIO-SEA/BIO-UV+), 29