志异 Draft by Drama box July 2014 (english) | Page 3

Harmony, in music, is formed by multiple, different notes, co-existing peacefully. Harmony cannot be formed by a single note, and a single note does not quite make a song. What then can we make of this observation about the nature of a truly harmonious chord? What about discord? Is discord a case of different notes not being able to co-exist peacefully? Is discord the antithesis of harmony? The theme for the third volume (2014) of Draft is ‘Discord/ Harmony’. Issue 1 is named ‘Discord/Harmony Side A’, while Issue 2 is named ‘Discord/Harmony Side B’. We hope to explore the various situations and states of ‘discord’ and ‘harmony’ in our society, especially when our system believes fundamentally in ‘harmony’ and ‘order’. Do we ponder and reflect enough on ‘harmony’ and ‘order’? The design of the theme is representative of the perspective held by the editorial team. We did not use ‘VS’, for instance ‘Discord VS Harmony’, because ‘versus’ suggests binary opposition. In using ‘/’, we hope to bring to light the relationship between discord and harmony, as two sides are to a coin. Can one exist without the other? In this issue, for Feature, we interviewed Alvin Tan, the artistic director of The Necessary Stage, and he shares with us his insights on plurality and postmodern sensibilities. In the three Columns, we have Taiwan-based Malaysian Chinese author Ng Kim Chew writing about Singapore, from the neighbouring position of Johor Bahru; local filmmaker Daniel Hui uses Jack Neo’s films as a springboard