志异 Draft by Drama box December 2014 (english) | Page 26

Just as how a single note cannot produce music, nor a single ingredient produce a delightful dish, a society where everyone is the same would be a society devoid of creativity and it will ultimately be an unsustainable society. adopt the same value system. But Confucius was quick to point out that harmony must not be confused with the elimination of diversity by making everything and everyone the same (和而不 同 he er bu tong - harmonise but not make everything the same). Confucius warns that though such a solution could possibly solve problems of discord, the end result may not be that great either. Just as how a single note cannot produce music, nor a single ingredient produce a delightful dish, a society where everyone is the same would be a society devoid of creativity and it will ultimately be an unsustainable society. True harmony, therefore, is about diversity. With diversity comes the inevitable conflict due to differences in values and the way people act and respond to things. The aim of harmony is not about eliminating such differences, but to manage diversity in such a way that the interaction between these diverse groups becomes fruitful. It is worth noting that I did not define harmony as the elimination of conflict. That is not the objective of harmony from a Chinese perspective. There are times where conflict can be completely eliminated. But there are times where conflict is a necessary evil, and must be present but managed in a way that will prove useful for developing fruitful interaction between the diverse groups. The early Chinese thinkers did not get their ideas of harmony from nowhere. They drew inspiration from everyday occurrences Column 2