志异 Draft by Drama box December 2014 (english) | Page 25

While there is nothing wrong with this answer, it is not representative of the diverse views of harmony that were conceptualised and taught by philosophers throughout China’s very long history. At first glance, it would seem that this problem could be easily solved if everybody were forced to think the same way, or to Jonathan Sim Since ancient times, specifically, during the Warring States period of the Zhou Dynasty, the early Chinese philosophers were preoccupied with ideas about harmony as they lived in an era of constant war. While they had different ideas of achieving harmony, their diagnosis as to the cause of such war and conflict was the same: while people were indeed fighting because of a scarcity of resources, the root cause of such discord was due to the fact that there were diverse groups of people, each with their own system of values, and ideas of right and wrong. And because people could not agree on a common value system for interaction and for the distribution of (scarce) goods, they perceived each other as enemies competing fiercely for the same thing. 25 Early Chinese Conceptions of Harmony People often regard harmony as a central idea in Chinese culture and thought. Yet, if you were to ask people what is Chinese harmony, you often receive an answer similar to this: ’harmony is about the balance of Yin and Yang.’