志异 Draft by Drama box december 2013 (english) | Page 39

Gh o s t s A similar aura exists with the memories of ghosts who are perceived to dwell in abandoned or traumatised landscapes and their existence in a no-man’s land between past, present and future. In this sense, the spectral world can be regarded as the alter ego of memory for it serves a function in reminding us that humans are not the only ones capable of remembering. Ghosts do remember and true ghost stories have credible appeal. Spectral consciousness is also an underlying theme that runs across an American landscape inhabited by legacies of slavery, secession, and civil war in the works of William Faulkner. The role of ghosts laying their burdens on the present and as foretellers of the future is also evident in Karl Marx’s prescient commentaries on the European socio-political situation more than a century ago as seen in The Communist Manifesto and in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Time is duration, a term introduced by Bergson which poignantly illustrates the fluid and heterogeneous dimension within which memory meanders in a non-material world that can only be perceived intuitively.