《声音》启明星专刊 VOICES for Daystar Academy VOICES Spring/Summer Edition 2019 | Page 24

ES BEIGAO CORNER A Monthly Tradition that Says It All By Christina Chung, Elementary Assistant Vice Principal, Daystar Academy Beigao Campus C ommunity. Communities are stronger when you build memories and celebrate together. And Daystar’s Monthly Assemblies are all about a celebration of our beautiful community. Our student emcees welcome the school and lead us through a variety of presentations that showcase all of the wonderful activities that has been going on in the past month. The assemblies are aligned to the monthly character theme that comes from our Core Values and the 3 Bees - Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful. Classes sign up to make presentations about how their class has been learning and digging deeper into practicing the monthly character theme. Classes have presented skits, made movies, and shared a ppt to show how they have served their community. We also give different individual or group of students Daystar Academy Spring/Summer Edition 2019 opportunities to present the learning that has been happening. This can range from a student wanting to share a poem about the importance of 3 Bees to a student’s keynote presentation for a call to protect the rights of grasshoppers. We also report and make announcements of upcoming events and school wide activities to ensure that community is on the same page. We end each assembly with a lottery to celebrate the students who’s names have been chosen to represent the many other students who have received a learner profile card displaying our PYP learner profile traits (Knowledgeable, Thinker, Inquirer, Reflective, Balanced, Principled, Open- Minded, Communicator, Courageous, and Caring). We applaud these students and ourselves as we celebrate our community for continuing to make efforts to being the best learning community we can be.