《声音》启明星专刊 VOICES for Daystar Academy VOICES Spring/Summer Edition 2019 | Page 23

ELC CORNER Our Casa graduates are familiar with the children in Our Learning House. They have hosted Our Learning House students at our Week for Change Charity Run and the Spring Festival Temple Fair held by the school. When they arrived in Our Learning House, the children were in their Circle Time. Hearing the familiar virtue song, our graduates also naturally joined them. Every child in Our Learning House has a different background, a different story. However, in this small circle, all of them were attracted by the same book and the same song. Some graduates who participated in the activity for the first time were a little nervous; some came here with their parents, so they naturally introduced themselves! After singing song, the children found their partners in games! Even though they are quite different, they learn to love and respect their similarities and differences and find merits in one another. When children share a public space with other children and adults, they can naturally learn how to socialize. As they grow older, children will become sensitive to the needs of others, express their care, help each other, show sympathy and teach the new skills they have learned. It is believed that children can gradually realize that “I can accept and love others”, “many people live a different life from mine and I got a lot of love” and “young as I am, I can do many things to help others”. It is believed that these CASA graduates will pass on their care and love to others. Note: As a small teaching and rehabilitation center and nonprofit charity organization, Our Learning House provides a safe and loving learning environment for disabled orphans living in foster care agencies around Maquanying and some children with special difficulties. Through full-time teaching activities and colorful community activities, the center pays close attention to every child’s education, rehabilitation and psychological counseling so that they can make progress and integrate into the society or adoptive families. 21 21