to broad abilities such as spatial visualization, memory and verbal ability) that may also be found through
factor analysis."
If I take g for the beauty of music in its highest form and let the wisdom and knowledge flow
into the factor humanity from the eight dimensions of the harmony model , I see some
conceptual similarities.
Intelligence expert Howard Gardner (among others) is however counter to the concept of "g":
“I do not believe that there is a single general talent, whether it be called intelligence, creativity or ‘g’. I do
not locate talents completely within the human skull, preferring to construe all accomplishments as an
interaction between cognitive potentials on the one hand, and the resources and opportunities provided by
the surrounding culture on the other....”
I wonder if my suggestion is counter to this attitude since the Intelligence which I posit can
individually be expressed in exceptional manifestations. I refer to Intelligence corresponding
to a certain community culminating as a human culture, embodied with the eight dimensions
or variables of the harmony model.
III. Multiple Intelligence, IQ and Music (Gardner) 2
According to Gardner (1999a), “Intelligence is a bio psychological potential to process information that can be
activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture” (p.34).
…. Gardner (1983; 1999a) proposed and defined seven intelligences. .. Logical-mathematical intelligence ….
Linguistic intelligence .... Spatial intelligence …. Musical intelligence ….. Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligence
….Interpersonal intelligence …… Intrapersonal intelligence ...According to Gardner each of these seven
“intelligences” has a specific set of abilities that can be observed and measured (1999a, 1983). More recently,
Gardner (1998) has nominated three additional candidate intelligences: Naturalist, Spiritual and Existential
intelligence ….”
In spite of all the differentiations based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Conception, the
following article for promoting music education is noteworthy in respect to the effect of
musical Intelligence on the rest of Intelligences signifying the central role music intelligence
may play in general.
The Effect of Musical Intelligence on the rest of Multiple intelligences.
Music Education: The Cornerstone to Developing a Well-Rounded Individual
By: William H. Yoh, Jr.
Science - Music is a specialized science which deals with the qualities of sound, acoustics and timbre.
Extensive training is given to the aural discrimination between like pitches and those that are
Elevation of the human mind ready for pleasure... Pleasure is a source of peace.
Mathematics - Although it is a simplified form of arithmetic, counting in groups of two, three, four
and higher are used consistently in all music repertoire. When teaching the values of rhythmic
notation, we develop and reinforce the concepts of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.