ሕብረ፥ቅላጼ / SIDE Harmony 2014 | Seite 72

Refraining from my unprofessional interpretations and limiting my comments short, following are links, extracts, paraphrases and Quotations from the field of science concerning the (The conception of Intelligence and the relation of music to intelligence. ( The scarce comments I italics). may have made are all in bold italics ). Disregarding all controversies and derivatives of schools concerning intelligence and music, I have found the following five areas relevant: I. II. III. IV. V. Ancient Interpretation The general intelligence factor (Spearman) Multiple Intelligence (Gardner) The Mozart effect (Shaw) Music and the Brain (Weinberger etc.) I. Ancient Interpretation Brian Capleton Phd, who is a lecturer in Piano Tuning and Technology at the Royal National College, Hereford, UK. He is engaged in research in the fields of piano tuning acoustics, early music, tunings and temperaments, and music philosophy; makes the following discourse on ancient interpretation of music: http://www.amarilli.co.uk/piano/theory/ptolemy.asp http://www.amarilli.co.uk/piano/theory/default.asp "Ptolemy accepted Plato’s conception of the arithmetically proportioned soul, and that the effects of music on Man were due to the kinship between the “harmonics” of the soul, and the phenomena.2[3] harmonic structure of musical phenomena Ptolemy developed an extensive astrological correlation between the heavens, music, and the human soul.3[4] ‘Harmonics’ was for Ptolemy, not merely a quantitative science, but a manifestation of a predictable, divinely ordained order.4[5] Knowledge of this ‘divine’ order he believed to be both subjective and theoretical and to be a function of nature that allows subjective