Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 69
Стр. 99–107
Ширинкин Павел Сергеевич
туризма и гостеприимства в эпоху глобализации». Пермь: Перм. гос. акад. искусства и культуры,
2013. С. 163–213.
22. Ширинкин П.С. Туристское легендирование как метод использования символических средств
и ресурсов в развитии гуманитарного потенциала территории // Философские науки. № 4. 2016.
С. 103–113.
Pavel S. Shirinkin
Perm state Institute of culture (Perm, Russia); PhD in Geography;
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The article analyses aspects of the development of human and cultural geography and the concepts of «geographic
image of a territory» and «cultural landscape». From the point of view of modern tourist requirements it is necessary to
allocate along with the natural and historical-cultural the symbolic resources of tourism. The author agrees with experts
that offer productive symbiosis of geography and mythogeography when such studies are part of humanitarian-geographical and cultural developments. Th e study of spatial representations produced by them, and geographical images
and any other interpretations of the space, is of great interest in applied key. Based on the structural-semiotic approach
the legend can be considered as an ancient symbolic form, so the myths of a particular area are not only a basic part of
the symbolic resources, but also access to the group of potential customers in tourism. Legends of specific places, is the
basis for the emergence of tourist motive and trip. Popular tourism legend or myth, used in socio-cultural design, is often
superior to the real tourist attractiveness of the territory, with the prospects of regional image and brand. Involving the
legends in tourism, in turn, are encouraged to consider as the practical direction of cultural geography and an effective
marketing mechanism for the tourism development of a territory, its image and way to attract potential consumers,
who perceive geographical space as the images of various degrees of subjectivity. Using the example of Perm region
the author demonstrates the problems and prospects of involvement of symbolic resources in regional tourism, in which
myths and legends play an important role.
Keywords: image of the geographic space, symbolic resources, humanitarian and cultural geography, Involving the
legends in tourism, the factor of territorial development, the general objective of the Involving the legends in tourism,
the image of a tourism cluster, short-term and long-term objectives of the territory, territory competitive advantage.
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