Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 65

Стр. 91–98 Дьяконова Мария Владимировна, Степанова Светлана Викторовна Problems of the labour market and the youth’s position in it are especially acute in rural areas due to reforms and changes in the system of economic relations in the agrarian and forest sectors, and local administration. Difficulties of life in countryside influence on the vital self-determination of youth, promoting strengthening of youth migration in the central part of Republic of Karelia and the Russian Federation. In this connection one of the actual questions is the perspectives of rural settlements development, labour potential of which is a basis of economic life, and self-development of territories. Tourism now appears as one of promising lines for regional development in the Republic of Karelia, which can mitigate social problems, and act as a factor for conservation and reproduction of the natural, historical and cultural potential of the territory. One of promising directions of rural tourism growth is development of the ethnographic tourism based on visiting ethnographic sites for the purpose of knowledge of traditional folklife culture: traditions, culture and a life of the people, the ethnos living on the certain territory. Full-fledged development of the tourism business is only possible if the youth are involved in this sphere of economic activity, recognize its importance, and perceive it as a resource for their life strategy. The work was executed under government order «The role of human capital in a dilemma: the new economic theories –​ modern challenges». Keywords: rural settlements, local community, youth, labour market, ethnos, culture, ethnocultural centre, ethnotourism. References: 1. Pechura O.V. Regional ethnoeconomics: the theoretic and methodological aspect. Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija «Ekonomika» [Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. Economy], 2010, vol.24, No.3, pp. 56–60. 2. Urvantseva N.G. Folklore and ethnographic heritage as a factor of tourism development (the case of the Republic of Karelia). Severnye turistskie destinacii kak dominanta razvitija turizma Severo-Zapadnogo regiona: Rol’ turistskogo nasledija v razvitii turistskih destinacij [Northern tourist destination as a dominant of tourism development of the Northwest region: The role of tourism heritage in the development of tourism destinations]. Proceedings of the III International scientific-practical conf. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, pp. 52–55. 3. Pridatkina L.P. Local history museum as a basis for the education of youth. Severnye turistskie destinacii kak dominanta razvitija turizma Severo-Zapadnogo regiona: Rol’ turistskogo nasledija v razvitii turistskih destinacij [Northern tourist destination as a dominant of tourism development of the Northwest region: The role of tourism heritage in the development of tourism destinations]. Proceedings of the III International scientific-practical conf. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, pp. 114–117. 4. Sachuk T.V. Tourism and territorial marketing: especial and general. Severnye turistskie destinacii kak dominanta razvitija turizma Severo-Zapadnogo regiona: Rol’ turistskogo nasledija v razvitii turistskih destinacij [Northern tourist destination as a dominant of tourism development of the Northwest region: The role of tourism heritage in the development of tourism destination s]. Proceedings of the III International scientific-practical conf. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, pp. 14–18. 5. Dyakonova M.V., Stepanova S.V. Development of Tourism as One of Solutions to Problem of Rural Youth Employment in Republic of Karelia. Oblik i finansi [Accounting and Finance], 2014, No.1(63), pp. 138–143. Дьяконова М.В., Степанова С.В. Роль учреждений культуры в  сохранении и  развитии этнотерриторий Республики Карелия  // Современные проблемы сервиса и  туризма. 2016. Т. 10. № 3. С. 91–98. DOI: 10.12737/21106. Dyakonova M.V., Stepanova S.V. Cultural offices in preservation and development of ethnoterritories of the Republic of Karelia. Sovremennye problemy servisa i  turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 2016, vol.10, No.3, pp. 91–98. DOI: 10.12737/21106. Дата поступления статьи: 10 апреля 2016 г. Received 10 April 2016 98