Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#3 | Page 61
Стр. 86–90
Галимов Шамиль Шагитович, Галимова Лейсан Исмагиловна
3. Мударисов Р.Г., Кобитев А.Д. Гастрономический туризм по татарской национальной кухне города Казани // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2015. Т. 9. № 4. С. 95–103.
DOI: 10.12737/14537.
4. Овсянников В.П., Якунин В.Н. Традиционное культурное наследие в молодых индустриальных
городах // Балтийский гуманитарный журнал. 2014. № 1. С. 58–62.
5. Розанова Л.Н., Кулягина Н.Г., Мустафина А.А. Значение этнографического туризма для развития
народно-художественных промыслов в Республике Татарстан // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2015. Т. 9. № 4. С. 88–94. DOI: 10.12737/14536.
6. Шульгин П.М. Историко-культурное наследие как особый ресурс региона и фактор его социально-экономического развития // Мир России. Социология. Этнология. 2004. № 2. С. 115–133.
Shamil Sh. Galimov a, Leysan I. Galimova b
Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Rep. of Tatarstan, Russia); PhD in Economics, Associate
Professor; e-mail: [email protected];
Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism (Kazan, Rep. of
Tatarstan, Russia); PhD in Economics, Associate Professor; e-mail: [email protected]
In recent years, educational tourism, as the direction, is developing faster than other. Cultural and natural heritage
included in the world heritage list of UNESCO, are the main attraction of educational tourism. Most facilities are located
in Europe. The heritage sites are operated steadily throughout the year regardless of the season. In addition to tangible
objects of the world heritage there is the intangible culture, which included in separated list of UNESCO. The peculiarity
of this type of heritage is in the representation by it the different forms of action, special national traditions, oral, musical, religious, cult, family, and other collective activities. Such world’s heritage sites need special protection, it is difficult
to save them, to plan quantitative variable to calculate them. Holidays, traditions, ceremonies and other events that
form the basis of intangible culture may disappear within one or two generations, in other words during 50 years. In
this regard, there is the problem of preservation for future generations of indigenous people and thus to tourists these
objects, and also their representation at the country-wide level.
Keywords: tourism, World heritage, intangible culture, Tatarstan, ritual, holiday, traditions.
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2. Vasyakin A.N., Galimov Sh.Sh. The economic importance of preserving the historical sights of the region an example Bolgar and Sviyazhsk. Vestnik Chuvashskogo Universiteta [Bulletin of the Chuvash University], 2013, No.3,
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3. Mudarisov R.G., Kobitev A.D. The Tatar national cuisine in Kazan: gastronomic tourism. Sovremennye problemy
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4. Ovsyannikov V.P., Yakunin V.N. Traditional cultural heritage in young industrial cities. Baltijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal [Baltic Humanitarian Journal], 2014, No.1, pp. 58–62. (In Russ.).
5. Rozanova L.N., Kulyagina N.G., Mustafina A.A. The role of tourism in the development of national artistic trades in
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6. Shulgin P.M. Historical and cultural heritage of a region as a special resource and factor of its socio-economic development. Mir Rossii. Sociologija. Etnologija [Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology], 2004, No.2, pp. 115–133.
(In Russ.).
Галимов Ш.Ш., Галимова Л.И. Объекты нематериальной культуры Татарстана в развитии регионального туризма // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2016. Т. 10. № 3. С. 86–90.
DOI: 10.12737/21105.
Galimov Sh.Sh., Galimova L.I. The intangible culture of Tatarstan
in the regional tourism development. Sovremennye problemy
servisa i turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 2016,
vol.10, No.3, pp. 86–90. DOI: 10.12737/21105.
Дата поступления статьи: 21 июня 2016 г.
Received 21 June 2016