Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#2 | Page 18

Александрова Анна Юрьевна, Аигина Екатерина Вячеславовна 2. Александрова А.Ю., Сединкина О.Н. Тематические парки мира. М.: КНОРУС, 2011. 207 с. 3. Владыкина Т. Соло для часов с боем // Российская газета. 2016. № 78(6946) от 13.04.2016. С. 17. 4. Исследование перспективных форм использования объектов культурного и природного наследия России в туристических и рекреационных целях, разработка рекомендаций по совершенствованию объектов для повышения их конкурентоспособности на глобальном рынке: Отчет о научно-исследовательской работе / Исп.: С.Ю. Житенёв, П.М. Шульгин, О.Е. Штеле, А.П. Соловьев, С.К. Губенко, И.Е. Кордюкевич. М.: РНИИ культурного и природного наследия им. Д.С. Лихачёва (Институт Наследия), 2013. 491 с. 5. Cultural Tourism. Global and Local Perspectives / Ed. by G. Richards. N.Y.: Routledge, 2007. 372 p. 6. Greffe X. at all. Local Economic and Employment Development. Paris: OECD, 2005. 198 p. Anna Yu. Aleksandrova a, Ekaterina V. Aigina b Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia); a PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, Professor; e-mail: [email protected]; b Research Assistant; e-mail: [email protected] TOURISM VECTOR IN CULTURAL HERITAGE ACTUALIZATION The article deals with the involvement of the Russian Federation cultural heritage in tourism activities. A brief description of tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Russia is given. It is confirmed that the country has the extensive and diverse cultural and historical potential which is slightly used in tourism. Currently, culture and tourism convergence serves as the condition for increasing destination attractiveness and competitiveness for living, traveling, working and investing. The reasons for cultural sightseeing tours to Russia deffered demand are revealed. The trend for rising interest to museums, especially to the places that keep authentic samples of artistic, historical, cultural and natural heritage is marked in modern Russian cultural development. Two types of attractions – ​iconic and flagship  – ​are emphasized, their use for tourism purposes is discussed and the conclusion about the necessity of their combination for destination’s sustainable development is given. The international principles of interaction between culture and tourism with the local context priority are given. In order to provide effective interaction between culture and tourism it is proposed to construct special mechanisms and platforms based on a broad stakeholders’ partnership. The event-related activities are discussed as an important form of cooperation between culture and tourism. The state policy in the field of cultural tourism in Russia is characterized, its gradual emergence and modern features are shown, particularly, the change from the growth points arrangement in tourism sector to global interregional tourist routes based on cultural heritage. Theoretical issues are well illustrated with domestic and foreign experience at national, regional and local levels. Keywords: tourism, culture, cultural heritage, attractions, museums, events, state regulation of tourism. References: 1. Aleksandrova A.Yu., Vladimirov Yu.L. Osobennosti sozdanija turistskih klasterov v Rossii (na  primere Vologodskoj oblasti) [Features of establishment of tourism clusters in Russia (experience of Vologda region)]. Sovremennye problemy servisa i  turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges], 2016, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 47–57. DOI: 10.12737/17783. 2. Aleksandrova A.Yu., Sedinkina O.N. Tematicheskie parki mira [Theme parks of the world]. Moscow: KNORUS, 2011. 207 p. 3. Vladykina T. Solo dlja chasov s boem [Solo for clock with chimes]. Rossijskaja gazeta [Russian Newspaper], 2016, no. 78(6946) , p. 17. 4. Issledovanie perspektivnyh form ispol’zovanija ob’ektov kul’turnogo i  prirodnogo nasledija Rossii v turisticheskih i rekreacionnyh celjah, razrabotka rekomendacij po sovershenstvovaniju ob’ektov dlja povyshenija ih konkurentosposobnosti na global’nom rynke: Otchet o nauchno-issledovatel’skoj rabote [Investigation of promising forms of use of objects of Russian cultural and natural heritage with tourism and recreational purposes, the development of recommendations for improvement their competitiveness at the global market: The research report]. Executors: S.Yu. Zhitenjov, P.M. Shul’gin, O.E. Shtele, A.P. Solov’ev, S.K. Gubenko, I.E. Kordjukevich. Moscow: D.S. Likhachev Russian Scientific Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, 2013. 491 p. 5. Cultural Tourism. Global and Local Perspectives. Ed. by G. Richards. N.Y.: Routledge, 2007. 372 p. 6. Greffe X. at all. Local Economic and Employment Development. Paris: OECD, 2005. 198 p. 28