Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#1 | Page 6

Content 5 7 19 27 37 47 59 67 75 83 95 105 111 120 EDITOR’S NOTE Tourism cluster and destination: challenges of creation and promotion LOCAL IN GLOBAL: FORMULA FOR TOURISM Tourism systems & cluster models Maximiliano E. Korstanje, Geoffrey R. Skoll Tourist risk: An all encompassing model to understand safety in tourism fields Olga D. Kol Development of tourism systems theory applied to a big city Valeriya Sh. Khetagurova, Ruslan A. Umaraliev The cluster approach in tourism development strategy on the post-Soviet space (experience of the Kyrgyz Republic) Oleg E. Afanasiev Typology of tourism clusters, included in federal target program «Development of inbound and domestic tourism in the Russian Federation» REGIONAL ISSUES OF TOURISM SERVICE Experience of establishment of tourism clusters and destinations in the regions Anna Yu. Aleksandrova, Yury L. Vladimirov Features of establishment of tourism clusters in Russia (experience of Vologda region) Mikhail A. Dybal Cluster development of business tourism in Saint Petersburg Lada N. Rozanovа, Landysh R. Mukhametova Modern tourism cluster the Republic of Tatarstan Marina A. Zhulina, Vyacheslav M. Kitsis Local tourism clusters in the Republic of Mordovia: the establishment and functioning Vladimir A. Podsolonko, Elena A. Podsolonko Conceptual bases of cluster organization of the Crimean recreational macroregion Valentin A. Vasilenko, Аleksandr V. Vasilenko Peculiarities of forming and development of the destination health resort clusters in Crimea Sergey G. Nezdoyminov Regional development of the market of cruise services (experience of North Black Sea Coast) Sergey A. Svetov, Nikolai G. Kolesnikov Natalia V. Kolesnikova Preconditions for geoparks establishment in the Republic of Karelia Nataliya V. Yakovenko Small business as the factor of tourist destination development in a depressed region (the Ivanovo region is an example) REGIONAL TOURISM STUDIES 128 135 142 148 Elena G. Kropinova An integrated approach to the planning and management of a transboundary tourism cluster (The case of Russian-Lithuanian-Polish cross-border tourism and recreational region, adjacent to the Vishtynetskoe Lake) Galina V. Merzlyakova, Larisa V. Batalova Development of the tourism-recreation cluster «Kamskiy bereg» in the Udmurt Republic Lyudmila S. Petrik, Polina A. Kudryavtseva Conceptualization of ethno-complex as tourism cluster in Tatarstan Victoria V. Anisimova, Irina A. Romanova, Marina L. Nekrasova, Tatiana A. Rovovaya Accessibility assessment of recreation facilities in Krasnodar region 156 RSUTS TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER 158 RATING Everyday life, tourism and leisure of streets in Pauliceias Desvariadas Tourism rating of cities in Russia