Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#1 | Page 19
Коль Ольга Дмитриевна
7. City Tourism & Culture – The European Experience. World Tourism Organization and European Travel
Commission. Madrid, Spain, 2005.
8. Cooper C., Fletcher J., Gilbert D., Wanhill S. (Eds) Tourism: Principle and Practice. London: Pitman
Publishing, 1993.
9. Leiper N. The framework of tourism // Annals of Tourism Research. 1979. Vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 390–407.
Olga D. Kol
Saint-Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia); PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Economics, Associate
Professor; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The article considers the conceptual approach to explore of a big city in the context of the system framework. Author
develops the N. Leyper theory about tourist destination as the geographical element of the regional tourism system in
relation to the big city. The article provides a comparative characteristic of a big city and a region in terms of tourism
development. Author proposes to represent a big city in the form of three closely interconnected in time and space
subsystems – the big city as a destination supplying tourists, as a transit destination, and as a destination, receiving
tourists. The author leads conceptual scheme of a big city as a tourism system in the form of three-leafed figure. The
need to incorporate such essential component of a big city as a tourist destination as «comfortable urban environment»
in addition to the tourism infrastructure, variety of attractions, transport accessibility of destination and extensive network of local infrastructure is substantiated. The most important components of a big city as a transit destination stands
transport infrastructure (level of development of urban transport and the quality of roads) and infrastructure of its
transportation hubs (airports, railway and marina stations etc.). The third subsystem of a big city as tourism system – as
a destination supplying tourists – requires additional scientific research in the conditions of changing role of big cities
in the Russian and international levels. Considering the fact that tourist flows from big cities are quite stable and high,
the definition of income from tourism in their economy deserves a special development of methodological approaches.
Keywords: big city as tourism system, big city as geographical element of tourism system, components of big city as
a tourist destination.
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2. Lynch K. The Image of the City. Cambridge, MIT Press, 1960, 194 p. (Russ. ed.: Linch K. Obraz goroda. Moscow,
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4. Kol O.D. Razvitie potenciala turistskogo biznesa krupnogo goroda: konceptual’nyj podhod [Development of capacity of tourism business in a big city: a conceptual approach] St. Petersburg, Publishing House of the Polytechnic
University, 2010, 131 p.
5. Morozov М.А., Kol O.D. Destinacija – vazhnejshij element turizma [Destination – the most important element of
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6. Buhalis D. Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism Management, 2000, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 97–116.
7. City Tourism & Culture – The European Experience. World Tourism Organization and European Travel Commission.
Madrid, Spain, 2005.
8. Cooper C., Fletcher J., Gilbert D., Wanhill S. (Eds) Tourism: Principle and Practice. London: Pitman Publishing, 1993.
9. Leiper N. The framework of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 1979, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 390–407.