Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2016_v.10_#1 | Page 10
Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
5. Conclusion. Undoubtedly, we live in a
society of risks. This essay has explored much
of the literature relevant to tourism, hospitality, and risk; and explained the limitations as
it has been adopted in tourism fields. Those
limitations are both theoretical and methodological. Both shortcomings derive from the
scholarly context of the field. Tourism studies
have remained too closely tied to business
models. Tourism studies remains mired in
an actuarial approach designed to maximize
business plans for maximizing profits in a
competitive field. Not unlike the insurance
industry, those who employ better actuarial
analyses will in the long run obtain more profits than their competitors. This approach, one
in which tourists are treated like commodities and consumers, can never gain standing
as a true form of academic scholarship. Only
when tourism studies transform themselves
into true social studies that seek basic knowledge about the human condition will they
be able to shake off their current, overly rationalized, in the Weberian sense, models,
methods, and theories. Ironically, were tourism studies able to adopt true social scientific
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approaches and viewpoints, tourism studies
would probably be more effective for profitable business planning by orders of magnitude. A better understanding of how and why
people tour and why they go where they go
would be far more useful than the current
state of knowledge that skims the surface of
tourists patterns of travel. To fix the problems
resulted from the managerial perspective, a
sociological read of hospitality in the fields of
politics control and gift-exchange would be
fertile grounds for further exploration. Since
traveling represents a big epistemological
rupture for traveler-delivering and hosting
cultures, hospitality paves the ways to reduce
and control the potential sentiment of anxieties and conflicts. We have discussed the current conceptual misjudgment of whole risk
research adopted in tourism fields, as well as
focused on its interest at ignoring hospitality
as something else than a classic industry of
leisure and entertainment. The rite of hospitality traverses almost a whole of European
and non-European cultures. Its conceptualization surfaced by human vulnerability and
fragility in this world.
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