Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#4 | Page 35

Саранча Михаил Александрович, Якимова Светлана Леонидовна Mikhail A. Sarancha1, Svetlana L. Yakimova2 Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow, Russia); PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Geography, professor; 2 Udmurt State University (Izhevsk, Russia); Master’s Degree student 1 Center of national artistic trades as the basis of tourism route network in Moscow and Moscow region Article deals with testing of guide of tourist and excursion routes on the places of national artistic trades and crafts on the base of Moscow and the Moscow region. This study based on application of general scientific and special methods: geoinformatics and cartographycal methods, design, modeling, and others. The inventory of centers of national artistic trades and monitoring of their current use in tourism are made at first stage. Production and art painting pottery, painted trays, manufacture of toys, as well as basket weaving, lace and embroidery are the most common types of national artistic trades. Monitoring revealed a wide range of variation and use of tourist centers in the area; however, they are not optimal for the tourists benefit. All objects are mapped in GIS, including points of possible entrance to route and exit. On the base of it the eight integrated routes are created. They are presented on the map in the form of radial exits from the Moscow. The lines on the map show the route, points – ​center of national artistic trades. The results of research allowed creating the guide of tourist and excursion routes in specialized software. Several patterns of the guide are presented in the article. The layout includes the following blocks: introduction, route map, description of routes. It consists of 11 pages. The study results can be applied as an information and marketing material, technological project, as well as an example of testing the concept of development of such a product (in the form of an atlas of tourist routes) for all regions of the Russian Federation. Keywords: atlas, geographical information systems, national artistic trades, route, tourism, excursion. References: 1. Ganshina G., Chaus N. Narodnye hudozhestvennye promysly v prostranstve Rossii [National artistic trades in Russia] // Sovremennye problemy servisa i  turizma [Service and Tourism: Current Challenges]. 2014. Vol.8, Iss. 1. PP. 89–98. 2. Narodnye hudozhestvennye promysly Rossii [Russian National artistic trades]: URL: http://www.nkhp.ru/np.htm (Accessed on October 14, 2015). 3. Pine II Joseph B., Gilmore H. James. Ekonomika vpechatlenij. Rabota – ​eto teatr, a kazhdyj biznes – ​scena [The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater and Every Business a Stage]. Мoscow: Williams, 2005. 304 p. 4. Sarancha M.A. Geoinformacionnoe kartografirovanie v ocenke rekreacionnogo potenciala territorii [Geoinformation cartography in the appraisal of the recreation potential of the area] // «Геоинформатика / Geoinformatica». 2008. Iss. 4. PP. 8–13. ТУРДАЙДЖЕСТ ЯМАЛ НАЗВАЛИ САМЫМ ПРИВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНЫМ НАПРАВЛЕНИЕМ РОССИЙСКОГО ТУРИЗМА Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ стал победителем премии National Geographic Traveler Awards 2015 в номинации «Российский туризм». По результатам голосования среди посетителей сайта журнала National Geographic Traveler, в котором приняли участие более 240 тыс. чел., регион был признан лучшим в номинации «Российский туризм». Регион опередил такие признанные туристические бренды России, как Камчатский край, Иркутскую обл. (оз. Байкал), а также республики Алтай и Карелия. За 2014 г. округ посетили 54400 туристов, в т. ч. 2400 иностранных. В первой половине 2015 г. в регионе побывало 35712 чел., включая 1385 иностранцев. Это выше аналогичного показателя прошлого года на 30,2%. По материалам сайтов «National Geographic РОССИЯ» http://www.nat-geo.ru и «Российский туризм» http://russiantourism.ru (дата обращения: 20.11.2015) 50