Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма 2015_v.9_#1 | Page 37
Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма
№1/2015 Том 9
7. Юдина Л.Д. Саки — «ворота» Крымской конференции. Симферополь: Магистр, 2005. 48 с.
8. Юрченко С.В. Гриф секретности снят: охрана Ялтинской конференции 1945 года. Севастополь:
Мир, 2003. 178 с.
9. Юрченко С.В. Ялтинская конференция 1945 года: хроника создания нового мира. Симферополь:
ИД «Крым», 2005. 340 с.
10. Konrad G. Jalta und der Frieden in Europa // Neue Ges. Bonn, 1986. №7. P. 594–598.
11. Plokhy S. Yalta: The Price of Peace. New York, 2010. 183 p.
12. Stefan Ch.G. Jalta revisited: An update on the diplomacy of EDR and his wartime summit partners //
Presidential studies quart., D.J., 1993. Vol.23, №4. P. 755–770.
13. The Yalta Conference // Todd Ronnei’s. Churchill Stamps and Covers (and other philatelic pursuits).
http://www.ronnei.com/yaltacovers.html (дата обращения: 22.01.2015).
14. The Yalta Conference // United States Department of State Foreign relations of the United States.
Conferences at Malta and Yalta, 1945 U.S. Government Printing Office, 1945. Р. 547–996.
Oleg Shevchenko
Humanities and Education Academy of Crimean Federal University named after
V.I. Vernadsky, Yalta, Russia
PhD (Candidate of Science) in Philosophy, Associate Professor, [email protected],
[email protected]
Article is devoted to building the technological route maps on the events of the Crimean Conference of
1945. In this context, the blocks can serve as a framework of thematic tours on the history of espionage,
diplomacy and is an introduction in the classic routes, “Magic South Coast of the Crimea”, “Steppe.
Mountains. Sea”, “Three palaces”, “To the rocks of Ai-Petri”, etc.
Particular attention is paid to those aspects of the Crimea Conference, which is almost not used in the
current tour routes. This is the airport near the city of Saki, who was the “Gate of the Crimea Conference”,
the rest house of Winston Churchill in Sim feropol. Many classical objects, it is proposed to refocus on the
events in February 1945. For example a “normal” natural history tour of the park Vorontsov Palace the
author transforms in the “Local History” route. The latter focuses on the issues of the safety, the residence
of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Vorontsov Palace) and oddities occurring in the park during the
Crimean conference. Article provided with a detailed technical route guidance, which includes items such
as: route, time, objects display, illuminated questions, route indication stops, guidelines, organizational
instructions. In general terms the author describes the course of the conference and its important, local
history items.
The article will be useful not only for professional tour guides, tour leaders of organizations, but also designed
for lovers who during their visits to the Crimea want to independently examine a number of lesser-known
sites devoted to a major diplomatic summit of the anti-Hitler coalition in the Second World War.
Keywords: Yalta Conference, Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill, bus trips
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Sevastopolia. 1993. 10 apr.
2. Zazvonov, I.V. Vospominaniia soldata, prinimavshego uchastie v khoziaistvennoi podgotovke konferentsii
i okhrane delegatov Velikobritanii [Memories of a soldier who participated in the preparation of the
conference and protection of delegates from UK] // Yalta 1945–2000: Problemy mezhdunarodnoi
bezopasnosti poroge novogo stoletiia: mat. nauch. konf. Simferopol’, 2001. P. 152–161.
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protection of participants of the Crimean Conference of 1945] // Istoricheskii arkhiv. 1993. №5.
P. 116–131.