ПРОЦЕНКА НА ПОТРЕБИТЕ НА МЛАДИТЕ СЕКСУАЛНИ РАБОТНИЦИ ВО ОДНОС НА ЗДРА Проценка на потребите на младите сексуални работни | Page 25
During the discussion, the participants were presented with the following services:
HIV testing;
Pre and post counseling HIV testing;
Information, education and counseling on issues related to HIV prevention
amongst sex workers;
Services by medical specialists (infectious diseases specialist,
dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, surgeon, mammogram specialist,
urologist, endocrinologist);
Services by psychologist, psychotherapist;
Services provided by centers for sex workers (services by a social worker,
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) prevention and treatment;
Providing access to the basic prevention package (condoms and
Vaccination, diagnosis and treatment of Viral Hepatitis;
Social support/aid;
Legal aid (renewal and change of documentation, legal consultations);
Opportunity for volunteering and participation in the development of sex
workers’ movement.
All focus group participants recognized the services related to HIV testing, pre and post
counseling HIV testing, information, education and counseling on issues related to HIV
prevention amongst sex workers, services by medical specialists, services by psychologist/
psychotherapist, services provided by centers for sex workers, sexually transmitted
infections prevention and treatment, and providing access to condoms and lubricants.