ПРОЦЕНКА НА ПОТРЕБИТЕ НА МЛАДИТЕ СЕКСУАЛНИ РАБОТНИЦИ ВО ОДНОС НА ЗДРА Проценка на потребите на младите сексуални работни | Page 24

YOUNG SEX WORKERS’ NEEDS ASSESSMENT RELATED TO HEALTHCARE, SOCIAL AND LEGAL SERVICES 2.2 Data Collection and Analysis Throughout this research, the method of interview was employed with the focus group with previously defined open-ended questions. The questions were structured in a plain and clear manner and adjusted to language formulations relatable to the participants, so that the questions could be easily understood. By asking each question from the previously prepared questions list, each participant was given the opportunity to state their opinion or share their experiences regarding sex workers’ needs. The discussion was guided by STAR-STAR representatives, a facilitator and an assistant facilitator. For the purposes of the analysis, a transcript was made of all the recorded material of the participants’ conversation. All participants have given their consent for their inclusion in the research. Upon data collection completion, the research authors analyzed all the data in order to identify results and challenges. 3. RESEARCH TEAM The research team was comprised by: Borche Bozhinov – coordinator and author; Gligor Chanov – researcher, qualitative and quantitative data analysis; Ivana Acevska – researcher, transcription and author. 4. RESULTS In this section, we present the findings of the research regarding the young sex workers’ needs assessment in terms of healthcare, social and legal services. The findings have been categorized in four broad topics, i.e. required services; availability and accessibility to services; obstacles in the access to services and measures for improvement of services and their availability. Prior to focusing on the four topics for discussion, all participants were asked to do a focus exercise in which various services available to young sex workers in Macedonia have been explained and described in detail. Additionally, they have been given the opportunity to go over the list of available services and discuss whether they understand or recognize the listed services, as well as discuss which of those are truly offered, and which ones they might lack. 6