OPA E-News
Dvora Weil
The shadow of astrology had occupied my mind for a long time. Is astrology perfect or is it
the way we, humans, interact with astrology. Yes, it might be true that astrology is prefect and
it is for us to find the right path to interact with it's wisdom. So getting this statement out of
the way, I can now, freely, lay out my critique about astrology.
The challenges I find in interacting with the wisdom of astrology are: it's ambiguity; the
numerous possibilities to one configuration that results some times in inconsistencies in the
information that we provide our clients. Yes, astrology is a language of symbols signs and metaphors and as such the factor of ambiguity and elusiveness is a built in feature. In my work as a
therapist, I choose my words very carefully. I make sure I stand behind every statement I make,
every suggestion I give. When it comes to using astrology I am even more careful. To overcome
this challenge, I will always read a chart while consulting with the client about whether what I am saying rings true to
them. I felt this elusiveness and generalizations when I had reading my chart done by different astrologers. There is a
part of me that would have liked to get a more "conclusive and specific" results from a chart interpretation.
I also find it limiting for us, the users, that once we know a chart, especially ours, we remain captives of that
structure, no matter how much we are convinced that we have free will. For example: I might forget a person's name
but will I remember their charts.
OK, that is not astrology's fault. It belong to us, astrologers. So we can attribute this statement to the grip astrology has on us.
Also, Astrology does not tell us if an individual is a thief or a policeman, a librarian or a travel agent a preacher or
a university professor, a male or a female. Can we discover all that ourselves? Yes. But it is missing from the chart.
Astrology does not tell us if a forecast will materialize or not. It tells us what might happen. Very often, all the
right aspect are there but the event they symbolize is missing. That is why I believe we have to be so careful when
giving predictions.
With much warmth, Dvora
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